An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 3 - No. 6 -  2004


"Where there is officialism, every human relationship suffers"

- E.M. Forster, A Passage to India 


Pseudoscience - Part I

This is an introduction to our next main theme and will be greatly expanded in Issue No. 16 - December 2004/January 2005.


What is Pseudoscience? 

Crying out for your comments, criticism and feedback. - Click here


What is Pseudoscience - II? 

The Skeptic's Dictionary and other responses. - Click here


Science and Pseudoscience - by Tom Maguire

It is always necessary to remind ourselves that no matter how detailed the experiments, the resulting models are constructions and do not reflect reality exactly.  This is not an attempt to deny the merits of the scientific method but rather a caveat to prevent us from converting it into a magical answer to everything.  - Click here



Exploring Meaningful Relationships - Part II   

We hope that this concluding section of our main theme treatment of relationships will encourage readers to provide feedback and - hopefully - articles acknowledging or, preferably, criticising the conclusions stated here.  All contributions will be reproduced in the next issue of Nurturing Potential.


Linguistic Relationships      

It is well known among language teachers that pointing out the relationships between words in the target language (language to be learned) and the student's native language can be an aid to learning. The many English words that end in -tion, for example,  which derive from Latin,  are spelled exactly the same in French. These words also exist in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish with a slight but regular difference in spelling. This relationship has been and continues to be an extremely useful means of expanding vocabulary by students of these languages.     


Breaking down barriers to cross-cultural communication  [Click here]


Cross-Cultural Relationships

[The following extracts were taken from an article written by Prem Dana Takada that may be viewed in its entirety on We would be delighted to have feedback on this and particularly from readers who have had their own cross-cultural experieces.] 

The most common problems for Western women who are in a relationships with Japanese men are similar to those seen in all relationships - dealing with issues of self esteem, developing communication and dealing with emotions such as anger. In longer term relationships, role issues e.g. division of responsibilities also take prominence. 

Just as every culture has its beliefs systems, every family also has a series of beliefs that are inherited. Being in a cross-cultural relationship provides a great chance to review those ideas. For those women in cross cultural relationships, re-determining your beliefs about your own sense of self worth and getting clear on your personal and emotional boundaries is essential. 

Some independent and strong Western Women are paradoxically very attracted to Japanese men who represent the Japanese heart represented by the more archetypal feminine qualities of softness, space and acceptance. 

For a Western woman to be in a cross cultural relationship in Japan the social impact of this on her own perception of herself is markedly more significant than if she were to live in a more multicultural environment e.g. most major Western cities. Here she stands out as different both in the eyes of Japanese society in addition to those of her friends and family. In fact it is this difference itself that can assist with issues of separation from her family of origin and developing personhood. 

The Path of Relationship is both a joyous and painful one. Relationships are sacred ground and conflicts provide one with the opportunity to extend ones present capacities and, as is the case with any exercise, the result is growth and strength. To become aware of your patterns in relationship and to become conscious of your Self is truly an exciting adventure.

Business Relationships [Click here]


Relationships and the mystical arts

"The art of astrology lies, at the most profound levels, in the meaningful interpretation of powerful symbols.  Through making sense of a range of apparently chaotic and unrelated events, astrology in the right hands shows how these events relate directly to us and generate the daily experiences of our lives."

This concept will be explored in our main theme of Pseudoscience in the next issue.


Relationships in Science [Click here]


Educational Relationships [Click here]


Professional Relationships and Boundaries

This section will be postponed to a future issue of Nurturing Potential when it is proposed to introduce the issue of "boundaries" as a main theme.