An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 3 - No. 6 -  2004

The Last Word





This issue sees the conclusion of our Relationships main theme and the introduction of our next major topic: Pseudoscience.


As ever we are looking for material and we have made several suggestions in our introductory pages.


The main theme following Pseudoscience will be that of Boundaries - professional, social, academic, etc.  Please put your thinking caps on and, even if you are unable to provide an article, perhaps you could make some suggestions for topics you would like to see discussed under that heading.




You may have seen the letter from Gerhard Gips commenting on an apparent diminution of original material in recent issues of Nurturing Potential.  


I have to confess that this is not a figment of his imagination.   Having been involved with several non-profit-making magazines over the years, I know too well that the energy that is introduced initially will ultimately dissipate.  This is inevitable as people move on - geographically and in terms of their activity.  


The hope is always there that departees will be replaced.  In many cases they suggest their own replacements.


In the case of Nurturing Potential, unhappily, several key members of our editorial board have withdrawn their support and we have not yet found adequate replacements for them.  We are continuing with the online edition, but fear that the amount of work involved in producing the paper edition on a regular basis has proved too much for the remaining personnel - particularly your Editor.


Nurturing Potential, in its Internet format, will - as I have said - continue but I have written to all subscribers to the paper edition and, where appropriate, refunded their subscription fees.  The online version is, of course, free of charge, and we have now (with the discontinuation of the paper magazine) removed any password entry to any of the articles.


If you appreciate Nurturing Potential, please support us in any way you are able.  We need original articles, but are always happy to accept previously published material (subject to copyright considerations).  We would also welcome offers of editorial board assistance or an introduction to anyone who might be willing to cooperate with the production of the magazine.


Joe Sinclair


We hope this issue has pleased you.