An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 4 - No. 1 -  2005

The Last Word





This issue sees the conclusion of our main theme topic: Pseudoscience.  We have concentrated on psychotherapy in the first part of this section as so many of our contributors are involved in this area.  It is our hope that they will find the theme sufficiently controversial to be inspired to provide feedback and comments - perhaps even an article - to grace the pages of our next issue.


To compensate for this "one-sidedness", we have devoted the second part of this section to a summary of a vast range of other areas where pseudoscience has been identified and have, in every case, provided a link to a website where further information may be obtained.


EDUCATION - and Letters to the Editor


Following our customary practice of having articles reviewed by our specialist editors before publication, we received from Education Editor Mark Edwards a letter (in a non-editorial capacity) criticising some of the views expressed by Penelope Waite in her article on Giftedness.  Penelope will be responding in our next issue,  but we hope the (somewhat intemperate?) note of Mark's letter might inspire others (particularly those involved in the area of education) to provide their own input.


BOUNDARIES - Our next Main Theme


Please let us have your contributions for the next issue.  Every one of us is involved in boundaries in one form or another, whether this be in our personal or professional lives. Here are some ideas.


How do we maintain boundaries?  What are appropriate boundaries in therapy between practitioner/doctor and client/patient?  Whose is the responsibility for maintaining boundaries?  What about boundaries between organisations or within organisations?  What boundaries should be established between children and their parents?  What is the most appropriate way to set personal boundaries and/or to reinforce them?


DATES for the next issues


We would like to received articles, letters and book reviews by February 15 for the next issue and by April 15 for our subsequent issue.  Don't forget that even if you are not in a position to write articles yourself, we are always happy to be directed to the source of interesting material where the author maybe approached for permission to reproduce.


A Seasonal Greeting


This is the first issue of 2005 and we take the opportunity of wishing all readers the very best of health and happiness.  We also fervently hope that the year will be more peaceful and more free of disasters than was its predecessor.



Joe Sinclair


We hope this issue has pleased you.