An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 4 - No. 4 -  2005



" You can't enjoy light verse with a heavy heart" - Russell Baker


Strategies for Survival - by Beryle Williams 

The contribution to our Verse section in this issue was discovered very serendipitously, given the main theme subject, on the Internet website of the Colorado Poets Center.

We are indebted to Beryle Williams for her kind agreement to our use of the poem.

Beryle's biography may be found - together with further verse of her own and other members of the Colorado Poets Center at 


The editors wish to make it clear that they are not literary critics and do not presume to judge the literary merit of any of the contributions received for this section.  They simply publish verse that they like and that they consider to have merit within the context of Nurturing Potential.

Martial said: "He does not write at all whose poems no man reads."  And to Wilson Mizner is attributed "Poets are born, not paid".

Our contributors would be delighted to receive feedback on their verse, whether praising or damning, because all feedback is positive and the evidence that the work has been read will be payment enough.  Comments by e-mail please to  Better yet, send us some poetry of your own.