An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 2 - No. 3 -  2003

The Last Word

Our third paper issue appeared before the end of March 2003.  Feedback suggests it is the best issue so far from the viewpoint of material and design.  That's enough self-congratulation.  You can read more about our plans on the Editorial page.




This issue, as promised, featured the second instalment of  Notions, Potions and Nostrums.   It was really validating that the articles on kefir produced a response from readers, and we have since sent some on request and had really positive feedback.  (See Letters page).   


The current issue continues the theme of Language, and this will remain an ongoing theme with contributions from the editorial team and others.



For future issues we are still considering:


Groups and Groupwork.  Encounter groups, Gestalt group process, the large group experience, establishing boundaries, working with organisations and teams.  Having had two or three book reviews in recent issues on this subject, it seems appropriate to introduce the theme in our next online issue.


Other future ideas include:

Nurturing Ecological Potential - how the environment - general, personal, and domestic - may be preserved and enhanced. 

Bridging Cultural Differences - Class, Religion, Ethnicity, Education - the status quo versus innovation, as applied in our personal and professional aspirations.

Only Connect.  Networks and networking and their potential for self- and group-development.