An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 2 - No. 4 - 2003

Health and Fitness

"Life is not to live, but to be well." - Martial

Audax Images by John Ewing

An Audax is an audacious bike ride.  This does not necessarily mean extreme, but it does mean that a certain level of performance is necessary.  Audax clubs typically organize group outings of 100, 200, 300 and anything up to 600 kilometres, and the ultimate Audax is the great 1200-km run from Paris to Brest and back.

John Ewing is a software engineer in his mid-fifties.  Diagnosed with diabetes in the early 1990s, he took up road cycling in 1997 as a means of keeping fit.  This is the story of his first attempt at a 200-km loop with an Audax club from Mulhouse, Alsace - where the Peugeots are built - down into the Swiss Jura and back.

Through the Looking Glass by Elizabeth Winder

A description of an event organised by Oxford Survivors, a group of Oxfordshire people who have used mental health services. Oxford Survivors work for the empowerment of users/survivors in relation to mental health services and the rest of society, seeking to change the attitudes of professionals as well as public and users/survivors themselves.

Both this fair and the one held eighteen months earlier have been survivor initiatives, with professionals pulled in by survivors rather than leading the planning.