An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Business, Ecology and the Arts 

Volume 1 - No. 2 -  2013



“Always be a poet, even in prose.” - Charles Baudelaire



Teamwork - by Meiji Stewart

A serendipitous discovery of a website devoted to verse constructed around the alphabet, that not only included a section on our Main Theme of Teamwork, but illustrated it with a picture of a rowing team that echoed our own front cover design.

We are pleased to acknowledge the author's gracious consent to our using this as one of the verses in this issue and are delighted to direct our readers to the website


My Father's Loft - by Jennie Winters

In contributing this poem, Jennie suggests that it addresses the whole idea of nurturing, via books/plants, the father daughter relationship.