An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Business, Ecology and the Arts 

Volume 2 - No. 1 -  2014


The First Word

In lieu of an editorial


Our New Look

We decided that after more than a decade of publication and 26 issues, Nurturing Potential could use a facelift!

It was not an easy decision, because one body of opinion held that the recognition factor had to be taken into account.  They felt that seeing an old and familiar design was akin to bumping into an old and familiar friend whom one might be shocked to see changed beyond recognition by cosmetic surgery.

The opposing opinion was that, since we had already changed the name with the addition of "New", it made sense to change the design, so that the new features would be associated with the new product.  Anyway, we were swayed by this argument, but not totally convinced with the result.  So you may expect further snips and incisions of the surgical knife in the future.

One thing that will not change - hopefully! - will be the quality of the product and we have already added a number of new contributors and new ideas which will be revealed over the coming issues.

Joe Sinclair

Managing Editor