An initiative of ASPEN (Authors' Self-Publishing Enterprise)


in Education, Personal Growth, Health, Relationships, Business and others 

Volume 3 - No. 1 -  2004


"There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything

or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking." 

- Alfred Korzybski


Learning Difficulties


An editorial report on the main theme of difficulties and disabilities in school children and also in adult education in later life; plus some links to websites where more may be discovered.



The Prisoner by Stephen J.M. Bray


When, as children we resign from society because we experience it as subjugating our free flowing awareness we face formidable opposition from adults, many of whom are well versed in the subtle arts of the Prisoners village. We are not numbers, we are free beings, we cry out silently as registration is taken in the classroom. We reject and resign from this world where adults package and label us within the memes of conformity to the values of a dangerous world. But our protests are to no avail. And so we are punished, or medicated, depending on the adults surrounding us. We are prisoners and our society is no less the village, for aspiring to be global in its values.  



Another Fine Mess by Mark Edwards


This article appears within our Education section, but with its emphasis on ADHD, it may also be accessed here.



Belief Change With EFT by Don Blackerby


This article appeared in the very first issue of Nurturing Potential and deals with the application of EFT to children with Attention Deficit Disorder.  



How to Talk so He'll Listen and Listen so He'll Talk by Paul W. Schenk


This article appeared in Issue No. 9 and deals with  problems of  communication between adults and how these can be aggravated when one exhibits symptoms of ADHD.



Nurturing the Exceptionally Gifted Child by Joe Sinclair


This article appeared in Nurturing Potential's Issue No. 7.   It too has specific relevance to learning difficulties - in particular the behavioural problems of those whose exceptional intelligence makes it hard for them to integrate with their peers.



Letters to the Editor


The correspondence columns include a thread on ADD/ADHD between Stephen Bray and Michael Mallows that commenced in Issue No. 9 and continues in the current issue.  There is also an important warning from Sep Meyer.